Trial Type
Plant Health (Growth Regulators, Biologicals, etc.), Medium Yield
General Stats
Soil Stats
Soybeans were planted in 30-inch rows at 140k seeds/ac in Codington Co. on May 23, 2022. During planting, Vitazyme biostimulant was applied in-furrow at 13 oz/acre to three 80 ft. wide strips. Soybeans were harvested on October 10, 2022, and yield analysis was conducted on the middle harvest pass from each treated strip. The field was classified into two different yield zones, which were medium (35-55 bu/ac) and high (>55 bu/ac). This report evaluates medium yield zones. UAV imagery was collected on August 17, 2022, and an NDVI map was generated for plant health assessment across the field.
The Vitazyme in-furrow application yielded 3.24 bu/ac higher than the soybeans without Vitazyme, which exceeds 2.77 bu/ac, and is therefore considered significant greater at a 90% confidence interval (Figure 1 & Table 1). However, NDVI differences between treatments could not be detected.