Trial Type
Plant Health (Growth Regulators, Biologicals, etc.), High Yield
General Stats
Soil Stats
Vitazyme bio-stimulant was applied in-furrow at planting on June 10th 2017, and sprayed onto soybean foliage on July 19th in high yielding soybeans (> 55 bu/A).
Yield results indicate that the Vitazyme applied in-furrow and foliar did not increase yields when compared to the check strip (none) for this trial. Only one replication was completed for this trial, so significance levels for the observed difference are not available for interpretation.
Funding provided by South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.
The authors would also like to thank the soybean producers who participated in this project.
Vitazyme® manufactured by Vital Earth Resources.
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
At Planting | 10/06/2017 | Other | Infurrow | No Value |
R2 | 19/07/2017 | Other | Foliar | No Value |
Fertilizer Applications
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
At Planting | 10/06/2017 | Other | Infurrow | No Value |
R2 | 19/07/2017 | Other | Foliar | No Value |