Trial Type
Plant Health (Growth Regulators, Biologicals, etc.), High Yield
General Stats
Soil Stats
Soybeans were planted in 30-inch rows at 140k seeds/ac in Minnehaha Co. on May 16, 2022. A foliar Vitazyme application was made at 13 oz/acre on 7/1/22 at the R1 growth stage. Soybeans were harvested on October 08, 2022, and yield analysis was conducted on the from the middle harvest pass from each treated strip. This field only had a high yield zone (>55 bu/ac). UAV imagery was collected on September 1, 2022, and an NDVI map was generated for plant health assessment across the field.
The Vitazyme foliar application had no significant effect on soybean yields (90% confidence interval) since the difference between treatments was less than 2.2 bu/ac (Figure 1 & Table 1). This product had better results in Brookings (+2.0 bu/ac) and Codington (+3.24 bu/ac) Counties in 2023. These two locations were in-furrow applications. In addition, both of these sites had yields <50 bu/ac, which was well-below the 72.3 bu/ac yield of this location. NDVI differences between treatments could not be detected. Additional trials with this product are needed in the future.