Trial Type
General Stats
Soil Stats
Methods and Agronomic Information
The variety, Rea 74G12 (1.4 maturity rating) was no-tilled into corn residue on May 26 in 30” rows. All seed was treated with TagTeam® LCO, which contained a specialized Bradyrhizobium inoculant to promote N fixation, the LCO molecule to improve nodule formation, and the phosphate-solubilizing Penicillium bilaii (Pb). Vitazyme, an organic biostimulant, was injected into the seed furrow during planting at 13 oz ac-1. The field received approx. 11.4 in. of rain from June 1 through August 31.
On average, the treatment strips didn’t yield higher than estimated yields of those same strips if the treatment hadn’t been placed (Table 2). This estimate was calculated from data surrounding both sides of each strip. Even though Vitazyme didn’t appear effective at this location in 2015, evidence from a similar trial in Kingsbury Co. showed this product may have potential when combined with Pb. Future on-farm trials may be of interest to explore this possible interaction.
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
26/05/2015 | Other | Infurrow | 0.10 lbs / acre (actual) |
Fertilizer Applications
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
26/05/2015 | Other | Infurrow | 0.10 lbs / acre (actual) |