Trial Type
Seeding Rate/ Varieties/ Row Spacing
General Stats
Soil Stats
Methods and Agronomic Information
The variety, Prairie Brand 1611, was no-tilled in 30” rows on 5/22/15 at 150,000 seeds ac-1. The six treatment strips were 15” rows that were created by double-planting at the same seeding rate per acre (Figure 1). The field received approx. 13.4” of rain from June 1 through August 31.
On average, the 15” rows yielded no different than the estimated yield of those same strips if they would have been 30” rows (Table 2). This estimate was calculated from data surrounding both sides of each strip. These findings were in agreement with a nearby trial in 2015 where previous corn stover was also returned. However, in a nearby 2015 row spacing trial where the field was previously chopped for silage, there was a significant 3 bu ac-1 advantage with 30” rows. On-farm row spacing trials comparing previous residue management practices may be of interest in the future.