Trial Type
Seeding Rate/ Varieties/ Row Spacing
General Stats
Soil Stats
Treatment Information
The field was planted at 160,000 seeds ac-1 except for four
treatment strips, which were each seeded at 130,000
seeds ac-1.
Agronomic and Weather Information
Soybeans with a 2.8 maturity rating were planted in 30” rows on
May 21. The field was previously in corn, which was disked in the
fall, and field cultivated in the spring. Seed was treated with
insecticide, fungicide, and a B.japonicum inoculant. The field
received approx. 4.69 in. of rain and accumulated 2034 GDDs from
June 1 through August 31. This was much drier and warmer than
the average of 10.49 in. and 1928 GDDs.
The average of the four strips showed no significant yield
difference at the 95% CI. Therefore, reduced seeding rates may be
an effective method for reducing costs. These findings were in
agreement with 2016 trials in Brookings and Brown Counties.
However, lowering the seeding rate may not be a good
management practice on summit positions, as evidence from 2016
SD trials suggests a 200k seeding rate may be best. Additional
trials are needed in 2017 to investigate.