Trial Type
Seeding Rate/ Varieties/ Row Spacing, High Yield
General Stats
Soil Stats
This experimental field was in Marshall County, South Dakota. Soybeans variety AE1000 was planted in 30-inch rows in strips on May 25, 2021. The purpose of this experiment is to compare two different seeding rates. Soybean was planted in 30 feet wide strips having two different seeding rates of 100K and 160K seeding rates. This experiment had 4 replications for each seeding rates. Soybean were harvested on October 4, 2021. For analysis purposes, the field was classified into three different yield zones: low yield zones (less than 35 bu/ac), mid yield zones (35-55 bu/ac), and high yield zones (more than 55 bu/ac). This analysis was performed for high yield zone.
Overall, there was reduction in yield due to 100K seeding rate comparing 160K seeding rate (Figure 1 & Table 1). All three-replications observed reduction in yield and average yield reduction was 4.25 bu/ac. However more economic analysis considering economic loss and gain due to yield reduction and input cost will be helpful while deciding about the seeding rate. More research at multiple sites with more replications are required to better explain the contrast between two different treatments in different environmental conditions.