Trial Type
N Fertilizer
General Stats
Soil Stats
This trial was conducted at foot slope of the field. Soybeans were planted on June 15, 2019 at 160,000 seeds/acre in 30-inch rows. Nitrogen fertilizer were applied at the rate of 30 lb/ac at R3 growth stage. Fertilizer source for nitrogen was polymer coated urea. Both fertilizer treated and untreated treatment had four replications. Plot size for this experiment was 10 feet wide and 30 feet long. For the data analysis each fertilizer treated replication were compared with untreated replications.
Overall, at foot slope of the field, nitrogen fertilizer did not increase the yields. There was reduction in yield by 0.38 bu/ac, however it was not statistically significant (Table 1). Both Reps, 1 and 2, saw a decrease in yield whereas Rep 3 and 4 had increased yield. Additional trials with more replications should be completed to identify efficacy of treatment over multiple years.