Trial Type
General Stats
Soil Stats
Soybeans were planted on June 4, 2019 at a population of 160,000 seeds/ac in 30-inch rows in the spring of 2019. Miravis Neo® fungicide was applied in two, 120-foot-wide strips in the middle of the field. The application was made at the R1/R2 growth stage at a rate of 20.8 oz/a. Imagery was collected using a fixed-wing AgEagle drone at three different times: August 9, September 6, and September 18 of 2019.
White mold pressure was severe in the area of the fungicide trial as can be seen in the three drone images (Fig 2 through 4). Overall plant health condition appears healthy on August 8th, but by September 6th and 18th there are obvious signs of plant stress in the outlined area (Figure 3, 4). This stress was caused by white mold. Miravis Neo® decreased overall yield by -3.25 bu/a (Table 1). However, this decrease in yield was not significantly different from the un-treated strips since the confidence interval was ± 29.58 bu/a. One reason for these results could have been too few replications. In the future, more fungicide trials are needed to fully understand the efficacy of fungicide on white mold to SD soybean production.