Trial Type
Seeding Rate/ Varieties/ Row Spacing
General Stats
Soil Stats
Treatment Information
The field was seeded at 160,000 seeds ac-1 except for four
treatment strips, which were each seeded at 200,000 seeds
ac-1 and strategically placed on a summit position.
Agronomic Information and Weather
Soybeans with a 1.9 maturity rating were planted in 30” rows
on May 19. The field was conventionally tilled and the
previous crop was corn. Seed was treated with insecticide,
fungicide, and a B.japonicum inoculant. The previous crop was
corn. The field received approx. 10.29 in. of rain and
accumulated 1844 GDDs from June 1 through August 31. This
was warmer and similar to the average of 1668 GDDs and
10.62 in.
Increasing the seeding rate from 160 to 200k seeds ac-1
increased yields by 3.6 bu ac-1 on the summit position, which
was significant at the 95% CI. This shows that standard
seeding rates may be too low for upper landscape positions.
Evidence from a 2016 on-farm trial in Day Co. had similar
findings on several summit positions. Additional trials with
variable seeding rates are needed in 2017.