Trial Type
Seeding Rate/ Varieties/ Row Spacing, High Yield
General Stats
Soil Stats
Four strips were planted at 200,000 seeds/acre, which were compared to the farmer’s normal rate of 140,000 seeds/acre.
Increasing the seeding rate from 140,000 to 200,000 seeds/acre in high yielding soybeans (>55 bu/acre) did not significantly affect yields when averaged over all four strips. An average yield loss exceeding +/- 2.0 bu/ac would have been significant; this was not achieved with the average change of -0.56 bushels. However, it appears that increasing the seeding rate to 200,000 seeds/acre may have potential to reduce yields in some areas of the field, such as soil type WhA in reps 1, 2 and 3; and in soil type Ca in Reps 1 and 2.
Funding provided by South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.