Trial Type
Seeding Rate/ Varieties/ Row Spacing
General Stats
Soil Stats
Treatment Information
The field was seeded at 160,000 seeds ac-1 except for four
treatment strips each seeded at 200,000 seeds ac-1.
Agronomic Information and Weather
Soybeans with a 1.4 maturity rating were no-tilled in 30” rows on
May 10. The previous crop was soybeans. Seed was treated with
insecticide, fungicide, and a B.japonicum inoculant. The field
received approx. 7.79 in. of rain and accumulated 1739 GDDs
from June 1 through August 31. This was drier and similar to the
average of 9.15 in. and 1715 GDDs.
On average, increasing the seeding rate from 160,000 to 200,000
seeds ac-1 did not affect yields. However, on several summit
areas, the seeding rate increase appeared beneficial. Evidence
from a 2016 on-farm trial in Brookings Co. had similar findings on
the summit positions. Additional trials with variable seeding rates
are needed in 2017.