Trial Type
Soil Health (Tillage, Residue Management., Cover Crops)
General Stats
Soil Stats
Mycogen seed variety was planted on June 2nd at 140,000 seeds/acre rate in 15-inch rows at a farmer cooperators field near Henry, SD (Clark County). The strips were ¼ mile long by 100 ft. wide. The middle 70 ft. x ¼ mile were harvested to estimate the yields. The yields were measured in weigh wagon. Primo foliar inoculant was applied at 1 pt/ac in 20 gpa water near V6 growth stage.
Although, in average Primo foliar inoculated plots showed about a 1.5 bu/a yield increase when compared to check plots, the difference was not statistically different at 0.05 probability level. On the plot basis, the treated plots had consistently higher yields across both replications. Due to method error, the third replication was excluded from the report.
Funding for this research project was provided by the South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council. The authors would also like to thank the soybean producers who participated in this project.