Trial Type
N Fertilizer
General Stats
Soil Stats
ESN was applied at 75 lbs. N/acre on June 27, 2014 to soybeans planted in 30 in. wide rows when the crop was at the V4 growth stage. The site received approx. 10.8 in. of rain and accumulated 1563 GDD’s from June 1 through August 31. This was approximately 3.1 in. more precip. and 96 less GDD’s than the 30 yr. avg.
On average, soybeans planted in 30 inch rows and treated with ESN did not yield statistically different than soybeans without ESN (Table 1). Since there was only one rep in the 15 inch row trial, a statistical comparison was not possible. However, visual inspections suggest that there were areas where ESN increased yields in both the 30 and 15 inch rows, especially in areas with greater than 2% slope. However, this relationship was inconsistent.
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
V(n) | 27/06/2014 | N | Surface broadcast | 75 lbs / acre (actual) |
Fertilizer Applications
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
V(n) | 27/06/2014 | N | Surface broadcast | 75 lbs / acre (actual) |