Trial Type
N Fertilizer, Micronutrients, Fungicide, Medium Yield
General Stats
Soil Stats
Soybeans were drilled on June 16, 2019 at 180,000 seeds/acre in 7.5-inch rows . The variety was Asgrow 26×8. Delaro fungicide + Task Force @2 were applied in three 100 feet wide stipes and in 3 adjacent strips only Delaro fungicide was applied. The rate for Task force@2 was 64 oz/ac and for Delaro was 8 oz/ac. For data analysis, strips that had both Delaro + Task Force 2 was compared with strips that had Delaro fungicide only.
From comparison of two treatments , yield decreased by 0.67 bu/ac which was not significant at 90% Confident Interval. At Rep 1, (Delaro + Task Force) had 0.18 bu/ac greater yield than Delaro only. Whereas at Rep 2 and 3, Delaro had 1.05 and 1.13 bu/ac greater yield. Additional trials should be completed to identify efficacy of Delaro and Task Force over multiple years.