Trial Type
Plant Health (Growth Regulators, Biologicals, etc.)
General Stats
Soil Stats
RK615SSTX, a 102 day hybrid, was planted in 30-inch rows at 33,000 seeds/ac in Kingsbury Co. on May 3, 2023. During planting, a mixture of in-furrow biological products from Biovante were applied. Additional details of these products can be found in the document below the yield maps. Here were the application rates of the products:
BioRed IF — 10 oz/ac
Assist — 6 oz/ac
BioMate — 6 oz/ac
BioSerum — 6 oz/ac
Infusion 2.0 — 12 oz/ac
The Biovante mix was applied in 40 ft wide test strips in the field. Corn was harvested between 10/9/23 and 10 /12/23.
The Biovante mix had no significant effect on the corn yields (90% confidence level) since the difference between treatments was less than 1.5 bu/ac (Figure1 & Table 1). If the confidence level were lowered to 86%, then the yield difference would have been significant.