Trial Type
General Stats
Soil Stats
Treatment Information
Bonus Plus fertilizer, which consisted of 8-16-9-1-0.45 (N-P-K-S-Zn), was
applied in-furrow at 2.5 gal ac-1 in the two treatment strips (Figure 1).
The N component of this fertilizer consisted of 60% urea, 37.5%
ammonia N, and 2.5% other water soluble N. The Zn was EDTA
Agronomic and Weather Information
Soybeans with a 1.5 maturity rating were no-tilled into corn stalks in 30”
rows on May 12. Seed was treated with insecticide, fungicide, and a B.
japonicum inoculant. The field received approx. 7.82 in. of rain and
accumulated 1823 GDDs from June 1 through August 31. This was drier
and warmer than the average of 10.57 in. and 1755.15 GDDs.
Overall, the starter fertilizer did not significantly increase yields (Table
2). However, with only two reps, statistical significance is very difficult
to achieve. There appeared to be areas of yield gain in both strips that
were generally in depression areas. Additional starter fertilizer trials are
needed in the future to help us better-understand their role in soybean
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
12/05/2016 | Other | Infurrow | 20 lbs / acre (actual) |
Fertilizer Applications
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
12/05/2016 | Other | Infurrow | 20 lbs / acre (actual) |