Trial Type
N Fertilizer
General Stats
Soil Stats
Prairie Brand PP120 was no-tilled into corn residue on 6/10/15 at 148,000 seeds with 3 gal 10-34-0 ac-1 in-furrow. In addition to fungicide and insecticide, the seed was also treated with Bioboost+, an inoculant containing Delftia acidovorans and Bradyrhizobium. A foliar application of 18-0-8 was applied to the three treated strips at 2 gal ac1 on Aug. 12 at R3 to provide 4-0-2 lbs ac-1. For increased crop safety, 72% of the N and 100% of the K2O were in the triazone and acetate forms, respectively. The field received approx. 10.2” of rain from June 1 through August 31, accumulating 1.6” after the application.
Yield differences within each treatment strip (Figure 1) were calculated by subtracting untreated yield from treated yield, where untreated yield was estimated from data surrounding both sides of the treatment strip. Overall, this fertilizer application did not significantly increase yields (Table 2). However, a treatment where 10-0-2 lbs ac-1 were applied in the same field on the same day showed more potential.