Trial Type
N Fertilizer
General Stats
Soil Stats
Methods and Agronomic Information
Rea 80G11 was planted into a tilled field in 30” rows on May 13. The seed was not treated with a Bradyrhizobium inoculant. A foliar application of 18-0-8 was applied at 2 gal ac1 on Aug. 3 at R3 to provide 4-0-2 lbs ac-1. For increased crop safety, 72% of the N and 100% of the K2O were in the triazone and acetate forms, respectively. The field received approx. 17.8” of rain from June 1 through August 31, with 8.5” after the application.
On average, the treated strips yielded no differently than the estimated yield of those same strips without the foliar fertilizer (Table 2). This estimate was calculated from data surrounding both sides of each strip. In 2015, the best response to foliar fertilizer in this on-farm research program was observed with 10-0-2 lbs ac-1 in Edmunds Co., where soybeans were no-tilled into corn residue.
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
R3 | 03/08/2015 | N | Foliar | 16 lbs / acre (actual) |
Fertilizer Applications
Event Date | Type | Application Method | Amount | |
R3 | 03/08/2015 | N | Foliar | 16 lbs / acre (actual) |